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Turbine Inspection
Helicopter Departure
Barrier Gland Termination
Natural Gas Indication

Energi has a very strong commitment to the provision of a Safe and Healthy Work Environment, Safe Systems of Work, Maintained Equipment, Consultation, Training and Competent Supervision. The Company follows documented processes that meet and surpass the requirements of ISO 48001:2015.  


Management recognises that our most valuable resource is our Employees and is committed to Measurable Objectives and Targets to ensure continual improvement aimed at eliminating work-related Injury, Illness and Disease as far as practicable; including compliance with relevant OSH legislation and with other requirements placed upon the Organisation or to which the Organisation subscribes. Our system is documented, implemented, maintained and communicated to all Employees; is available to interested parties; and is reviewed periodically to ensure it remains relevant and appropriate to the organisation. 

Energi has a fully compliant Health, Safety and Environmental Policy that is available on request.

Energi are Fully-Compliant and Competent with Hazardous Area Electrical (EEHA) Inspections to the Electrical (Safety) Regulations 2010, AS/NZS 60079 Set, AS/NZS 3000 and all complementary Standards.

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